If you are thinking about creating an estate plan, you may hear some new and confusing terms that make your brain hurt. To add to your bewilderment, not only are some of the words unfamiliar, they may also be homophones—words that are pronounced the same as other words, but have different meanings...
Category: Gifting
What the Administration’s 2024 Revenue Proposals Mean for You and Your Estate Plan
On March 9, 2023, the Biden administration released a proposed budget for fiscal year 2024, calling for an increase in federal spending along with a series of counterbalancing revenue raisers. The budget was outlined in a document called the “General Explanations of the Administration's FY2024 Revenue Proposals,” otherwise...
Was Your Loved One a Book Lover? Think Twice Before You Throw Them Out
An individual’s belongings—such as jewelry, furniture, photographs, and books—sometimes slip through the cracks of their estate plan. While certain books may be gifted to a beneficiary in a loved one’s will, a book lover may leave behind other books that the family must decide what to do with.
Why Can’t We Have a Joint Trust If We Are Not Married?
Joint trusts are beneficial for many married couples, especially if they have a stable relationship, do not have many creditors, and do not live in a state where their estate may be subject to a state death tax. Compared to separate trusts, they are easier to fund, allow the surviving spouse to...
Surviving Tax Season
Taxes That Can Impact Your Estate Plan
Estate planning involves deciding how to plan for the management of your money, property, and well-being before your death and how to distribute your money and property after your death. A comprehensive estate plan should consider the impact that taxes can have...
Why Deathbed Planning Might Give You Additional Grief
None of us likes to think about our own death or enjoys planning for that occasion. However, if you do not create an estate plan or fail to update it regularly, you are likely setting your loved ones up for even more stress and grief after you pass away. It may add...
Estate Planning Issues for the Modern Family
As the name suggests, ABC’s TV show Modern Family depicts the relationships and experiences between a fictional extended family. Throughout the course of the series, the show addresses many issues that families deal with each day. For a close-knit family such as this fictional one, estate planning is crucial to ensure that...

Batman: The Masked Philanthropist
Among the superheroes, Batman is unique because he has no superpowers. Although he is trained in the martial arts and possesses a range of high-tech gadgetry that allows him to fight crime, Batman is entirely human. He does not have genetic mutations, X-ray vision, overpowering physical strength, flying ability, genius-level intellect, or...

Legal Perils of Gifts and Joint Ownership between Unmarried Couples
Cohabitation without marriage is becoming more common in the United States. Among eighteen- to forty-four-year-olds, the percentage of adults who have lived with an unmarried partner at some point is now higher than the percentage of adults who have been married.
When you live with a romantic partner, it...

Is a Defect a Good Thing? Intentionally Defective Grantor Trusts in Estate Planning
The notion that your estate plan contains a defect would not normally be welcomed as good news. But despite the moniker, an intentionally defective grantor trust (IDGT) can be an advantageous tool for minimizing estate taxes and maximizing the money and property that are passed on to a spouse, descendants, or other...